Don’t give a wrong impression about your financial status. Don’t open joint accounts while still dating. Some financial decisions make sense after lobola is paid. Don’t take loans in order to impress your partner. Don’t open accounts or take loans on behalf of your partner. They may not repay and mess up your credit record. Don’t condone financial recklessness or irresponsibility in the name of spoiling my partner. Don’t get into the habit of borrowing your partner money. The best is to give. Don’t compete with your partner financially. Live within your means. Don’t succumb to financial pressure. Learn to say “no” when you are coerced into doing what doesn’t make financial sense to you. Don’t be a financial burden to your partner. Don’t allow your family members to bother or pester or abuse your partner financially. Don’t make your partner an ATM. Don’t be stingy. You can spice things by spending money on your partner. Don’t judge or dump a person because of lack of finances. A ka swara lotto tomorrow. Love should be the barometer. Don’t shop in Sandton when your balance screams Marabastad. Don’t be too drunk in love and forget to demand your money back. NB: In my book Wait To Be Seated, there’s a chapter – Gold Mines and Gold Diggers, where I leave no stone unturned as I wrestle with finances in relationships. To get a copy, dial or text +27 72 502 56727